D.A. Cooper
Feb 31 min read
Limericks from the Golden Plates
Laban Gives Advice on Drinking “Beware if you’re having some wine. Drink a glass, maybe two, while you dine. But too much of the red, ...

Jan 64 min read
Even Non-Believers Need Miracles: A Conversation With Ethan James Young
Ethan James Young’s 2024 LP, Fallen From Heaven , is not just an album about leaving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints....

Dec 9, 20245 min read
The Cultural and Theological Layers of "Heretic" and Latter-day Saint Representation
The A24 horror film Heretic offers a unique and thought-provoking portrayal of Latter-day Saints, positioning itself as a significant...

Nov 29, 20243 min read
The Lone Seer
Editor's note: This poem is a companion piece to The Three Kings By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The lead image is based on Timothy from...

Oct 7, 20241 min read
Independence, MO Circa 3000 A.D.
I had a vivid vision Of strife and grand division: Of earthquakes in all places And tears upon all faces; Famine and death – a million...

Sep 21, 20244 min read
Jovial Visitations! Music for Your Latter-day Holiday
Do you remember the 21st night of September? It's a question every true Latter-day Saint asks themselves when fall comes around. From...

The Student of Rhythm
Aug 5, 20243 min read
Amnor: Dungeon Synth from The Book of Mormon
For a while, I had been thinking about doing a dungeon synth project: I liked the idea of making music on a DiY, lo-fi basis. In the...

Frazer Clough
Jul 1, 20241 min read
Sharing A Sunset
Tried to share a sunset but couldn’t because a photo wouldn’t show all the colours of my soul reflected on the horizon: Red, rage of my...

Corey Landon Wozniak
Jun 3, 20241 min read
Portrait of Eve
“Portrait of Eve” (Genesis 2-3) Bedecked with bangles of blueberries on thin wrists and ankles, Embalmed in a perfume of pine and black...

gnome chompsky
May 6, 20244 min read
The Last Priesthood Holder to Leave the Building Is Responsible for Ensuring All Doors Are Locked
The fluorescent lights fluttered like nervous eyelids and then released the darkness into the long hallway, where it spread itself thick...

D.A. Cooper
Apr 1, 20241 min read
Double Dactyls from the Golden Plates
Complainers Jiggery-pokery, Laman and Lemuel both loved to lament every day of their lives, loudly complaining quite intimidatingly, save...

Randall Smith
Mar 4, 20241 min read
Three Missionaries
When three missionaries were asked of their labor, Their answers were different back to their neighbor. "I'm tracting. I'm tracting,"...

Frazer Clough
Feb 5, 20241 min read
Sanctified Mountain
Tell me this, Tectonic shift, whether it is holier to rise up haughtily to the heavens or weather away over centuries surrendered to...

Friend of the HIVE
Jan 8, 20241 min read
by J. Kenneth Doty Throughout the days of God's great plan, One grand theme comes through to man: Sacrifice! Father Adam, earth's first...

The One Who Hies
Nov 10, 20232 min read
Introducing "Another Advent Reflection"
“Advent…is a season that looks unflinchingly at the evil that now besets us, and stubbornly insists its days are numbered.” –Bonnie...

Third King of Judah
Nov 6, 20232 min read
Divine Data Streams
Every day, Brother Abinadi Roberts started with a question. As the sky began to blush with the hint of sunrise, he would pose his first...

Oct 3, 20231 min read
Cursed Mormonwave
"It's a rainy day in Utah Valley, so you decide to spend the evening at the local Deseret Industries Thrift Store, perusing the...

The One Who Hies
Sep 14, 20232 min read
HIVE meetup: Jovial Visitation Social
Several years ago, ARCH-HIVE-ite, musician, and Provo Music Magazine editor Zach Collier and his friends began creating new traditions...

Michael J. Sorensen
Sep 4, 20234 min read
What is to be done with Elder-berry?
“Dad, I’m gay” The father sat, trying to wrap his brain around those words. His attention was pulled away for a moment to the peculiar...

Corey Landon Wozniak
Aug 1, 20231 min read
My 2-Year-Old Son Has a Febrile Seizure
(Genesis 22; Exodus 11-13) He looked like a crazed prophet A holy fool in ecstasy A Pentacostal speaking tongues: Eyes rolled back, Head...

Jul 28, 20232 min read
Behind the Zines - HIVE ZINE-017: A Brief History of the Restoration League
I'm absolutely fascinated by the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know some people have a fraught...

Randall Smith
Jul 3, 20231 min read
The Love We Share
Come ye heavy laden, ye outcast, oppressed, and poor in spirit. Come and listen while I tell you the great secret, the most important...

Gabriel González Núñez
Jun 5, 20234 min read
γένεσις tríptico
A retelling of the Genesis story in three languages. El Origen Se despertó en posición fetal, desnudo y sin recuerdo. Sintió el suelo...

Terrie Petree
May 1, 20236 min read
A Name and a Blessing
If dad, of all people, was going to let embarrassment stop him from blessing his only daughter’s only daughters, mother would give him...

Third King of Judah
Apr 10, 20234 min read
The Devil's Music
Guitars, or their electronic equivalents, are the standard instruments used in Church meetings. If other instruments are used, their use...

Mar 6, 20232 min read
I am but dust, and dust will I be When gravity, heavy, wears down and claims me. I am a nothing, for so I have learned: "From dust thou...

Corey Landon Wozniak
Feb 6, 20231 min read
The Sacred and the Profane
“The Sacred and the Profane— at the Chapel” (Leviticus) I. On the pew behind me The grown man with Down Syndrome Burps hot on the nape of...

Eric James Stone
Jan 2, 20235 min read
Three Deaths for Ammon J. Merrill
What do we really know about conditions in the spirit world? I believe a BYU religion professor’s article on this subject had it right:...

The One Who Hies
Nov 23, 20223 min read
ARCH-HIVE Gift Guide 2022
For Advent & Christmas Our best-selling Advent Zine Grab your copy before Advent starts this Sunday! Read more about the creation of this...

The One Who Hies
Nov 16, 20222 min read
Introducing the Advent Zine
Advent has been a part of my family’s Christmas season as long as I can remember (thanks to a Finnish member of our ward in Boston,) and...

Sam Dearden
Nov 7, 20225 min read
West Hills III- The Jack Mormon Prayer
To Neil Longo, a borderlander, true friend, explorer, thinker, and believer. I’ll always miss you. Within the church, The Killers’ Mormon...

Rachel Helps
Oct 3, 202214 min read
Spiritual Adjustment in the Ghost World
“Mom, Kelly and I are going to take photos by the railroad tracks!” Abigail yelled as she put on her silver hoop earrings. “Okay, be...

Aisling "Ash" Rowan
Sep 5, 20226 min read
Stewards of the Lifewater
“Just as the body is one, with many members, … so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were baptized into the same body … and all were...

Sam Dearden
Aug 1, 20224 min read
The Modernist Mormon Chapel: Persecution, Insularity, and Out-Groups
In the early days of the pandemic, that strange time of no clear public health guidance and an overwhelming sense of impending doom, my...

Owl of the Desert
Jul 11, 20221 min read
Plain and Precious
I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. ― Luke 3:8 Is the stone or seer the instrument...

Jon Brown
Jun 27, 20223 min read
Behind the Zines: Revolution Rock
Jon Brown is the creator of our latest HIVE ZINE, which is about growing up as a punk rocker and a Mormon. In this post, he talks about...

Adam McLain
Jun 19, 20225 min read
Paradisiacal Locust
At the end of the universe, where the three empires considered Outer Darkness to lie, existed Luc. Luc was a small creature, not too...

Terrie Petree
Jun 6, 20225 min read
Liahona, Girl of Curious Workmanship
A line of camels came out of the sand. On the first camel rode a famed artisan. Behind him rode the oldest son, the second son, the...

Rachel Helps
May 16, 20227 min read
Becoming Scripturally Literate
How writing Wikipedia pages on church history fizzled my religious anger. In some ways, my ego wants to believe that God put me in the...

May 4, 20227 min read
Behind the Zines: HIVE ZINE-008
A Brief Note on HIVE ZINE from the ARCH-HIVE HIVE ZINE is a collaborative zine created by members of the ARCH-HIVE network. Like other...

Apr 12, 20224 min read
Behind the Zines - HIVE ZINE-014: Seasons of Eve
Amber Lee is the creator of our newest HIVE ZINE, a lush, full-color collection of collages & poetry about Eve and the author's evolving...

Voice of Eucatastrophe
Apr 4, 20222 min read
Genesis 2
She was preoccupied by the story and what it could mean. First, she didn’t like the part where God stole a rib from Adam (while he was...

Friend of the HIVE
Mar 7, 20227 min read
The Sports Epic That Zion Forgot
by J. Kenneth Doty It happened in the closing seconds of the basketball game. The score was tied, and possession of the ball was the key...

Feb 7, 20221 min read
Abram and His Father
Abram wept at the altar. Old Abram, wise Abram, Faithful, unshakable, unchangeable Abram, Bless the earth with posterity Abram, Fell on...

Nov 1, 20215 min read
The ARCH-HIVE Gift Guide 2021
The holidays are upon us, and the ARCH-HIVE has once again compiled the perfect gift guide to fill all your peculiar Mormon shopping...

The One Who Hies
Sep 19, 20216 min read
“Queerness as Grace: The Spiritual Strength of Imagination and Creation”
Note: This is an expanded version of remarks that I delivered at the 2021 International Affirmation Conference, 18 September 2021. I felt...

The One Who Hies
Aug 29, 20213 min read
A Hymn, A Witness, and A Hope
“A poor wayfaring man of grief,” our congregation sang, as tears welled in my eyes. This hymn often makes me emotional, but usually not...

The One Who Hies
Aug 22, 20213 min read
REVIEW: 1820 The Musical
Amidst a family reunion and a somewhat whirlwind vacation in Utah County, I managed to join some other members of The ARCH-HIVE for a...

The One Who Hies
Aug 8, 20213 min read
REVIEW: Moroni: a brief theological introduction, David F. Holland
David F. Holland writes the final entry in the Maxwell Institute’s Brief Theological Introductions series, Moroni: a brief theological...

Terrie Petree
Jul 18, 20217 min read
The blood from my lips made a pretty smear on my palm. Pain and a bitter taste filled my head. The man on my right jerked me upward....