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Arts & culture from the fringe.

Apr 12, 20224 min read
Behind the Zines - HIVE ZINE-014: Seasons of Eve
Amber Lee is the creator of our newest HIVE ZINE, a lush, full-color collection of collages & poetry about Eve and the author's evolving...

Voice of Eucatastrophe
Apr 4, 20222 min read
Genesis 2
She was preoccupied by the story and what it could mean. First, she didn’t like the part where God stole a rib from Adam (while he was...

Friend of the HIVE
Mar 7, 20227 min read
The Sports Epic That Zion Forgot
by J. Kenneth Doty It happened in the closing seconds of the basketball game. The score was tied, and possession of the ball was the key...

Feb 7, 20221 min read
Abram and His Father
Abram wept at the altar. Old Abram, wise Abram, Faithful, unshakable, unchangeable Abram, Bless the earth with posterity Abram, Fell on...

Nov 1, 20215 min read
The ARCH-HIVE Gift Guide 2021
The holidays are upon us, and the ARCH-HIVE has once again compiled the perfect gift guide to fill all your peculiar Mormon shopping...

The One Who Hies
Sep 19, 20216 min read
“Queerness as Grace: The Spiritual Strength of Imagination and Creation”
Note: This is an expanded version of remarks that I delivered at the 2021 International Affirmation Conference, 18 September 2021. I felt...

The One Who Hies
Aug 29, 20213 min read
A Hymn, A Witness, and A Hope
“A poor wayfaring man of grief,” our congregation sang, as tears welled in my eyes. This hymn often makes me emotional, but usually not...

The One Who Hies
Aug 22, 20213 min read
REVIEW: 1820 The Musical
Amidst a family reunion and a somewhat whirlwind vacation in Utah County, I managed to join some other members of The ARCH-HIVE for a...

The One Who Hies
Aug 8, 20213 min read
REVIEW: Moroni: a brief theological introduction, David F. Holland
David F. Holland writes the final entry in the Maxwell Institute’s Brief Theological Introductions series, Moroni: a brief theological...

Terrie Petree
Jul 18, 20217 min read
The blood from my lips made a pretty smear on my palm. Pain and a bitter taste filled my head. The man on my right jerked me upward....

The One Who Hies
Jul 11, 20213 min read
REVIEW: Ether: a brief theological introduction, Rosalynde Frandsen Welch
The book of Ether strikes me as a microcosm of The Book of Mormon as a whole, detailing the rise and fall of a civilization in one short...

The One Who Hies
Jun 27, 20212 min read
REVIEW: Mormon: a brief theological introduction, Adam Miller
Adam says early in the book that “Mormon’s discipleship depends, first and foremost, on his ability to witness the end of the world”...

Friend of the HIVE
Jun 20, 20217 min read
The Handmaid of the Lord
by Jared Cook “Hail!” The girl stopped her work and listened. “Thou art highly favored! THE LORD is with thee! Blessed art thou among...

Friend of the HIVE
Jun 13, 20219 min read
Legends of Sanpete
by Lyndsey My Mom is positive that there are mummies buried somewhere in Sanpete County. Not your typical mummies either. Nope—these are...

Friend of the HIVE
Jun 6, 20212 min read
A Collection of Eternities
by Sunny i. I wish I had the gift of tongues So I could hear the hearts of men And soothe and heal the cries of souls That search and...

The One Who Hies
May 27, 20213 min read
"A Calling"
It had been 46 hours, 27 minutes and 32 seconds since Mindaugas had received news that he would be released this coming Sunday. He felt...

Theric Jepson
Apr 2, 20211 min read
Fill in the blanks, Lord!
Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Dieter F. Uchtdorf Fill in the blanks, Lord, fill in the blanks! I simply don’t love...

The One Who Hies
Mar 21, 20213 min read
REVIEW: 3rd, 4th Nephi: a brief theological introduction, Daniel Becerra
Daniel Becerra’s 3rd, 4th Nephi: a brief theological introduction is a quiet, understated volume in the series, arguably the most fitting...

The Desert Prophet
Mar 12, 20214 min read
The End of Live Endowments: The Church is selling its birthright for a mess of pottage.
What a great way to start a Friday morning, by waking up and seeing that the Church decided to destroy our cultural heritage by...

Friend of the HIVE
Feb 21, 20213 min read
MUSIC: "Archkeeper" - Creating Different Spaces for the Same Story
by Alec Viera Hello! My name is Alec Viera; I’m a musician, music producer, and sound engineer from Danville, California. Although I’ve...
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