Cursed Mormonwave
"It's a rainy day in Utah Valley, so you decide to spend the evening at the local Deseret Industries Thrift Store, perusing the disheveled assortment of donations. As you walk down an aisle in the back corner, the glint of a cassette catches your eye, halfway buried under a fanny pack and a recipe book. You pull it free and read the title on the case: 'Not Of The World.'"
Welcome to Cursed Mormonwave, a horrific audio journey down the rabbit hole of Mormon media. This microgenre is an amalgam of the forgotten textures of our audio/visual heritage. It's an uncanny pastiche of actual stuff from an actual Deseret Industries in Utah County, warped and distorted by SWKT – the nom de plume of Alex Nielsen. Nostalgic and surreal, it's everything we didn't know we needed. Happy Halloween. 🎃
About the Artist
Along with other typical Provo Zoobie activities like roller skating, SWKT enjoys perusing the scattered assortment of forgotten artifacts found at Deseret Industries. This fascination with weird old stuff led him to years of employment in the annals of the BYU Special Collections, maintaining a huge array of unexpected Mormon treasures, such as the complete discography of the Aquabats and erotica featuring Mormon missionaries. After discovering the absence of '80s EFY bop cassettes being preserved, he began collecting his own.